- Shuyi Wang, Yuanwen Lai, Xuntao Qiu, Yang Ma, Said M. Easa, Yubing Zheng. 2024. Implications of as-built highway horizontal curves on vehicle dynamics/kinematics characteristics under adaptive cruise control. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. Online.
- Long Cheng, Wanshan Yuan, Lei Zhang, Song Zhou, Zijian Zhang, Yuechao Lei, Yang Ma, Fang Yuan, Zhenqing Liu. 2024. Investigation of damage and crack characteristics of epoxy-modified recycled asphalt mixtures based on a three-dimensional meso-heterogeneous model. Construction and Building Materials, 438(9): 137144.
- Long Cheng, Lei Zhang, Yuechao Lei, Yang Ma, Fang Yuan, Pengfei Yao,et al. 2024. Evaluation of the residual fatigue life of semi-rigid base course of existing freeway using the SCB and FWD Test. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 25(1):2363944.
- Yubing Zheng, Said Easa, Yang Ma, Zhongxiang Feng*, Weihua Zhang, Kai Zhua. 2024. Examining Expressions of Cycling Anger in China: Further Evidence of the Validity and Reliability of the Cycling Anger Expression Inventory (CAX). Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 101, 306-319. 交通行为、心理学国际权威期刊
- Yang Ma, Yubing Zheng*, Shuyi Wang*, Yiik Diew Wong, Said M. Easa. 2023. A Virtual Method for Optimizing Deployment of Roadside Monitoring Lidars at As-built Intersection. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(11):11835-11849. 智慧交通领域Top期刊 | 中科院1区 2022 IF 8.5
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- Shuyi Wang, Chengyang Mao, Yang Ma, Jinzhou Liu, Bin Yu. 2022. Examining the Feasibility of Current Spiral Curve Design Controls for LiDAR-based Automated Vehicles. IET Intelligent Transportation Systems. In press.
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- Yang Ma, Yubing Zheng, Jianchuan Cheng, Yunlong Zhang and Wenquan Han. 2019. A Convolutional Neural Network Method to Improve Efficiency and Visualization in Modeling Driver’s Visual Field on Roads Using MLS Data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 106(2019):317-344. 交通领域Top期刊|中科院1区 2019 IF 6.077 - Yang Ma, Yubing Zheng, Jianchuan Cheng and Said Easa. 2019. Real-time Visualization Method for Estimating Highway 3D Sight Distance Using LiDAR Data. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 145(4): 04019006. 编辑精选 2019年 4-6月 | 期刊社交媒体推送 - Yubing Zheng, Yang Ma and Jianchuan Cheng. 2020. Cycling anger in China: The relationship with gender roles, cycling-related experience, risky and aggressive riding. Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 68: 52-66.
- Yubing Zheng, Yang Ma, Nan Li and Jianchuan Cheng. 2019. Personality and Behavioral Predictors of Cyclist Involvement in Crash-Related Conditions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24): 4881.
- Yang Ma, Yubing Zheng, Jianchuan Cheng and Yunlong Zhang. 2019. Hybrid Model for Realistic and Efficient Estimation of Highway Sight Distance Using Airborne LiDAR Data. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(6): 04019039. 工程自动化领域权威期刊 JCR 1区 | 中科院2区
- Yubing Zheng, Yang Ma, and Jianchuan Cheng. 2019. Effects of Personality Traits and Socio-cognitive Determinants on Risky Riding Behaviors among Chinese E-bikers. Traffic Injury Prevention. 20(8): 838-843.
- Yubing Zheng, Yang Ma, Lixin Guo, Jianchuan Cheng, and Yunlong Zhang. 2019. Crash Involvement and Risky Riding Behaviors among Delivery Riders in China: The Role of Working Conditions. Transportation Research Record, 2673(4):1011-1022.
- Yubing Zheng, Yang Ma, Lixin Guo, Jianchuan Cheng, and Yunlong Zhang. 2018. Prediction of Chinese Drivers' Intentions to Park Illegally in Emergency Lanes: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2018, 19(6): 629-636.
- Hao Zhou, Lu Wang, Jianchuan Cheng, and Yang Ma. 2017. Numerical Study of Bernoulli Effect on Bus Controllability
and Driving Safety. Transportation Research Record, 2637: 74-82.
- 马羊,周昊,李渴,程建川. 2016. 考虑三维曲面特点的道路中央分隔带防眩高度计算. 交通信息与安全, 34(6):60-69. 年度优秀论文一等奖